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What should you expect from a high-quality care agency if you or your loved ones receive care ?

  1. A high-quality provider follows SCIE and NICE' ''Better Home Care for Older People guide''.

  2. Service users' care reflects what they want and what they have agreed with the Provider.

  3. The Provider considers what individuals feel they can do and cannot do.

  4. A high-quality service provider supports and encourages care workers to respect the cultural and religious values of the individual.

  5. They ensure that individual food needs are met.

  6. A high-quality service provider will let the individual know in advance if a different care worker will conduct the visit and have an effective communication system in place.

  7. In a high-quality care system, Service Users will receive an individualised home care plan that describes the care the agency will be providing. The Care Plan should focus on the things important to the Service User.

  8. A high-quality care system devises a care plan that considers any specific health problems or disabilities.

  9. They have measures to ensure that individuals feel comfortable around their care workers.

  10. The Provider also must ensure that the care worker knows the Service User and is familiar with their needs before working with the service users.

  11. A high-quality provider includes how Service users would like to communicate and considers their likes and dislikes.

  12. A high-quality provider ensures that the care workers have the right skills to meet the needs of the individual. They should support the individual, for instance, if they have dementia, are deaf, deafblind or need help coping with grief.

  13. The agency places a copy of the care diary in the Clients' home to keep.

  14. They ask home care workers and others who help the individual at home to update the daily note every time they visit.

  15. A high-quality provider reviews the plan with the individual within six weeks of the first care visit to ensure the individual is happy. Then after the Provider must review the care plan at least once a year.

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